Dear Readers,
I apologise for the delay in adding a new story for you all. It took me sometime (actually more) to recover from a mild illness. By your support, encouragement and prayers I am back. So here is my Come-back story.
“Check your email”, I got a message on text messenger. “Why”, I asked back and went back to check my email inbox. “You have been nominated for the category of ‘Best author for children and Young Adults’ category”, left me dumbstruck. My heart jumped in joy. “Hey, Thank you so much”, I replied again to the text message. I was overwhelmed by this nomination.
How we see life depends on how we see our surroundings. Some appreciating words are the most important needs that people have. Being told you are appreciated is one of the simplest yet most incredible things you can ever hear. It makes us feel that we are important to our supporters.
“My stories are being read, I need to write more”, this feeling I got to continue to be writing and getting my stories published as a book and also on my website.
I read back the same email again,”Please revert back with the details below”. I was excited to be a part of this award show!
We all get a moment in life when we have to keep going. A little push helps us keep growing.
This is a true incident, from my personal experience. Though I did not win the award but it was great enough to be nominated and to dream more!