Parents Are our Living God

Once upon a time, a pencil and an eraser. Both were good friends and would always be together. Both of them knew that they are nothing without each other.One day, the pencil was drawing a straight line. The eraser was […]

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Determination gets you a long way

Determination is an essential part of success. Though determination can be a positive and powerful motivator, continuing to be determined can be incredibly difficult when we encounter obstacles and setbacks. There is only one way to succeed in anything and […]

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A little boy was studying in middle school. He was been sent to school by his parents, but he never was willing to go to school. One day he took it into his head to create a situation to avoid […]

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Optimist Rabbit And Pessimist Dog

Optimists generally approach life with a positive outlook, while pessimists tend to expect the worst. Optimists go into new situations with high expectations, while pessimists keep low expectations to prepare for negative outcomes Pessimism and optimism are mere thinking habits […]

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The Hungry Mouse

Life on this earth is full of hurdles and pitfalls No doubt there are certain situations when we have to take up decisions at the spur of the moment. But such situations arise only rarely. In such a situation to […]

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Hare And The Fox

There lived a Fox in a jungle. One day, when he was hungry he came out of his hideout and went in search of a prey He saw a beautiful hare sitting under a tree. He ran after him. But […]

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Old Wise Man

There was once a very wise old man who lived on top of a mountain in a village.The villagers went to him for advice, every time they had a problem. Sometimes, they would come to him complaining about the same […]

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The Unsung Heroes

Feel Proud!For here we are now, at a comfort zone complainingly busy with personal goals and aspirations. The everyday troubles we face, we call them miseries. But there are some souls who have endured worse. They selflessly laid their lives […]

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